Dear ISA Members and saunalovers
Additional information to Saunaletter 6 Please note the new events listed here.
Glenn Auerbach from US visited Finland. Here is his interesting material.
Some material about World Wellness weekend
Have you seen these 3 videos:
What is WWW & how to join: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_NHmQ-GNLw&t
Promote your Heat & Water ceremonies : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_JaP98dXQU
Lots of fun wellness ideas to organize: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8J_6aQrlIU
Sauna Herbal Cup November 21. – 24.11. in Aqualand Moravia Czech republic
We would like to invite you to the European final of Sauna Herbal Cup 2019 which is organised by Czech Association of Saunamasters and will take place in Aqualand Moravia in November 21-24.
Since the beginning of this competition in 2013, we have been working on the increase of usage of natural products in sauna and we were the first competition in the world where we required 100% essential oils. Since 2016, the main competition is the relaxation “herbal” sauna ceremonies. The second main competition is the peeling procedure competition.
At present, we have several countries across the whole Europe which organise their national rounds and in November, during the European final, you will have the chance to see the best saunamasters – the winners from all national rounds from different European countries, their great shows, international jury members and many others…so don’t miss this chance!
More info on http://saunaherbalcup.eu/en/englishhome/
Finnish Lapuan Kankurit was publishing their new products also for SAUNA
See enclosed above. There are nice textiles for sauna needs.
ONSEN and Ryokan in Japan , interesting options when visiting Japan
BURNING MAN festival in Nevada was featuring Finnish Sauna
More information in the Saunaletter 7 which comes a little later.
Sections for attachments
Förhandsgranska YouTube-videoklipp World Wellness Weekend – Key Facts to join
World Wellness Weekend – Key Facts to join
Förhandsgranska YouTube-videoklipp WWW Activity – Heat Water Ceremonies
WWW Activity – Heat Water Ceremonies
Förhandsgranska YouTube-videoklipp WWW Activity ENGLISH