Sep 1, 2020

Dear ISA Members and other saunalovers

The New Sauna year has started with many  activities. And that is naturally nice.

We want to  open in the future calendar which could show the different eventsorganised by the members as well as also other people/organisations organisingsauna related events during the year.

This is the year of some big events like Interbad including also  some specialevents like the Sauna Impulse organised by German Sauna Bund as well as aSauna lounge organised by Finnish companies active in the sauna field. More information about all them later but the next press release is giving more data now.

We have sent also the invoices of the membership fees. We hope that You settlethem accoring to the due dates because the economy of ISA is quite tight but we succeed if the money comes in as planned.

Year 2019 went according to the plans meaning that the result was  about zero.

The membesrhip situation has been stabilising to the level of about 25 . We got some new countries during the year and some more do start in the beginning of 2020.

If You happen to have any ideas of finding supporting members we are more than happy to hear about that. We need some support e.g. when we started to be involved in the standardisation of sauna  as a Liason Member which means some extra expences.

We also would like to see that You as members send some information about Your organisation and activities. We would like to add that information to the Saunaletters so that others also do get to know all of us.

It is also important to know what is happening in different parts of the sauna world.

You may find some saunalovers and good saunas  if You happen travel in region of some of the members.

ISA is having next Board Meeting in Austria end of April. If You have anything You would like to be discussed at the meeting please inform me  before end of March so that we can include the subject to the agenda.

Wishing You all a very good sauna year.


interbad 2020: Public attraction with new halls concept 

International trade fair brings together the complete swimming pool offering in one hall / Three attractive special shows on wellness.

United on more than 20,000 square metres in a single exhibition hall – interbad will be presenting a complete offering for private and public swimming pools in Stuttgart from 27 to 30 October 2020. Pools, water treatment, swimming pool technology, fixtures and fittings, facilities, surface materials and more will come together in the L-Bank Forum (Hall 1).

Different swimming pool areas will be showcased under a single roof, easily winning over national and international trade fair visitors from local authorities, leisure and adventure pools, architecture and planning offices, hotels, day spas, swimming pool construction companies, private visitors that are eager to invest and heating, plumbing and ventilation specialists with a wide range of products a short distance from one another. Saunas, spas and wellness will be presented in Hall 3. This means that the trade fair will showcase a more compact offering on an unchanged total area of over 35,000 square metres. “With this conceptual development, we are giving our exhibitors the best possible conditions, enabling them to address different visitor target groups from each segment in the best possible way,” explains Andreas Wiesinger, member of the management board of Messe Stuttgart.

On-trend topics
Furthermore, this year’s trade fair will feature another extensive accompanying programme, guaranteeing added value and advanced knowledge for international trade visitors and experts. Participants of the 68th Congress of the German Society for the Pool Industry (Deutschen Gesellschaft für das Badewesen e.V.) will be able to exchange views and information in specialist presentations about digitalisation, safety, resource-optimised construction, administration and specialist staff shortages, among other topics. The annual “Sauna Impulse” conference of the German Sauna Federation will inform sauna operators about the latest trends and topics in their sector. The “Innovation Area” will showcase pioneering product developments again in 2020. “As one of the leading platforms in the sector, interbad exhibits innovations in swimming pool technology, fixtures and fittings and trends for private swimming pool and wellness facilities as well as management concepts for those operating public swimming pools, adventure pools, leisure pools and thermal baths,” explains Dagmar Weise, interbad project manager.

From Finland to the Alps
interbad will focus on three special shows: as the trade fair with the world’s largest sauna offering, all eyes will be on Finland in 2020. The “Original Finish Sauna Experience” will give visitors an insight into an authentic Finnish sauna. Presentations and demonstrations highlight topics such as the health-promoting effects of the sauna, nature and the sauna experience, the sauna as a global wellness trend, sauna and beauty as well as tips for a successful sauna business. The Sauna Lounge, where visitors will be able to test products and enjoy a special ambience, will have a typically Finnish flair.

The second special show “Alpine Wellness Powered by Cluster Wellness Tirol” will highlight the Alpine region. Topics include sauna, infrared and heat products, products made of natural materials, working with renewable resources and meditation and relaxation.

Together with the Landesmesse Stuttgart, the European Waterpark Association e.V. will be hosting another special exhibition called “Theming and Storytelling in Leisure Pools and Thermal Baths”. This will concentrate on the current trend of offering guests at leisure-orientated pools consistently themed experience worlds. The special show will be presenting renowned German leisure pools and examples of themed water parks, thermal baths and adventure pools from around the world.

Furthermore, introductory talks in an exclusive framework and with interesting speakers will await hoteliers, planners and architects at interbad at the end of the trade fair on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Awards for flagship projects
Notable prizes are awarded at interbad, showing just how important the trade fair is. The Public Value Award of the German Society for the Pool Industry (Deutschen Gesellschaft für das Badewesen e.V.) recognises services and products that focus on social benefits and make an important contribution to the common good. The EWA Award of the European Waterpark Association recognises especially innovative concepts in design and marketing. The interbad Innovation Award allows trade fair visitors to vote for the most innovative new products in the sector.

About interbad
interbad, the international trade fair for swimming pools, saunas and spas, is the world’s most important platform in the sector for public swimming pools and one of the top 3 trade fairs for all interests of private swimming pool owners. Globally, it is the trade fair with the largest product range in the field of saunas. On an area of 35,000 square metres, more than 400 exhibitors present their products and services in the field of public bath construction, swimming pool technology, pools, saunas, spas and wellness. Around 15,000 visitors from more than 60 countries learn about the latest products, trends and pioneering ideas. Numerous presentations, workshops and discussion sessions in two congress formats round off the offering.

The next interbad will take place from 27 to 30 October 2020 at Messe Stuttgart. For more information, visit:

Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH
Kaja Hoppe
Team Director Communication
Messepiazza 1
70629 Stuttgart (Germany)
Tel.: +49 711 18560-2728
Fax: +49 711 18560-1728

: +49 178 3704179

Principal Office: Stuttgart Stuttgart District Court: Commercial Registry 585 Chairwoman of Supervisory Board: Minister Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut Presidents: Roland Bleinroth, Ulrich Kromer von Baerle


The upcoming Asia Pool & Spa Expo, the leading industry trade show for swimming pools, spas, sauna in Asia, is to be held in China Import & Export Fair Complex from 10-12 May, 2020.

Asia Pool & Spa Expo, successfully held for 14 years, is the annual gathering for industry people. The regular exhibitor include: PENTAIR (USA),SAWO (Finland),Tintometer (Germany) , Emaux (Hong Kong),T ecmark (USA), Chemoform (Germany), Aquarine (Canada), SPECK Pumpen (Germany), Evoqua Water Technologies (USA), Reliance Plus (Hong Kong), PURAPOOL(Australia), Dryden Aqua (Switzerland),AQUA TELESCOPIC Enclosures (France), Hayward (USA),LASWIM, Joyspas, Harvia, Fenle, Mona Lisa, Vigor, Fenlin, Glong Electric, Landy, Denor, Firsle, Langjing, Furui, Chuangwen, Blueway, Welgo and so on………

According to the statistic, Asia Pool & Spa Expo 2019 attracted over 320 exhibiting brands at the 20,000 square meter show floor and the visits counted reached 25,100. The visitor profiles as below:

Contractor, Engineer ——————- 38%

Wholesaler ——————————- 20%

Resort, Hotel, Club ——————— 13%

Designing Company ——————– 12%

Real Estate Developer ——————- 6%

Other ————————————— 11%

Asia Pool & Spa Expo 2020 is NOW officially open for visitor & exhibitor registration. If you are interested to participate, please contact Mr. Jacob Kong.

Best Regards

Jacob Kong

Guangdong Grandeur Int’l Exhibition Group Co. Ltd.

-Organizing Committee of Asia Pool & Spa Expo

Mob: + 86 13416279371

Tel: +86 20-22074185



This is happening in Prag end of March and organised by our Member.

More information from this link:

World Wellness Weekend 2020

Interesting saunas by Finns

Here You can see some interesting saunas built typically by the Finns or Finnish related people in different countries.

Some of You may find also Your own sauna?

Interesting article about bathhouse culture  from BBC

Aufguss Championship in 2020

The local competitions do start soon and the big final competition is in Poland 07. – 13.09.2020.

More information:

And we do keep You also informed.

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