Dear ISA Members and other Saunalovers
The first Saunaletter 2019 is mainly having interesting links about different sauna related matters and events in 2019.
The new Board of Directors started it four year term 01.01.2019.
Please note that ISA Board Meeting is 29.04.2019 in Larvik Norway. If You have some matters You want to be discussd there , please let me or some of the Board Members know well in advance.
Here is a link to some of the interesting saunas in Oslo.
There are many things happening inthis year 2019 around sauna and sauna culture. We wish that we all are able to participate at least some of them.
Here are some links etc. to some of the events.
Please remember that in several countries including naturally Finland we celebrate the SAUNA DAY. That is happening the second Saturady of June which is also the Global Wellness Day. This suits well because sauna is important for Wellnes.
Here in Finland we also try to have the flags flying all over the country on that day.
We plan to start presentations of the memebrs and especially the new ones. We got two new members in the end of 2018 approved by the Board. They are from Hungary Aufguss.hu Ltd and B&S Sauna from Germany. The first one is a national
member and B&S supporting member.
We hope that in that way we can distribute information about the members and their events , sauna culture etc. so that we can learn more about a good sauna.
Helsinki Sauna Day is coming again in March
Central Finland sauna week
And there is a Smoke sauna Symphony in Estonia in August
After that there is also the Haanja Smoke Sauna week in August.
More details from Eda Veeroja eda.veeroja@gmail.com
There are many publications about Sauna and Health:
Video from Russia Rosfest last summer including Vasily Liakhov
And banya celebration outdoors in Russia
And more popular sauna videos collected by Glenn Auerbach
Ancient Steam Bath of the Mayas
Free sauna in Estonia if You find it
Lakeside Sauna in Norway
The next Saunaletter is coming out in Mid March . If you have something to inform please let me have the material during February.
Also if You like to publish something on the web page www.saunainternationla.net olease let us know.
We have just now a real winter in Finland. It seems that also our friends in USA like Wisconsin , Minnesota etc. have a very cold weather meaning that sauna is very usefull for those who happen to have that.
Wishing You nice wintertime where ever You happen to be.
Risto Elomaa