Rolf Pieper is retiring

Dec 30, 2020

The “Sauna Pilot” Rolf-A. Pieper goes off board and retires after 38 years work

Rolf Andreas Pieper has been 38 years working for Deutscher Sauna-Bund and leaving now his job. But he is continuing e.G. With his dedicated work as board member in the International Sauna Association (ISA).

At the end of the year, Rolf-Andreas Pieper is leaving the management of the German Sauna Association in Bielefeld after 38 years. During this long period of time, he played a key role in the development of the sauna in Germany and Europe. The various tasks associated with it have always been matters of the heart to him. The “sauna guide from Bielefeld” is considered to be the “best expert on saunas worldwide” and is therefore a sought-after lecturer in training and advanced training in the sauna industry. Pieper is also involved in national and international working groups.

The outgoing managing director of the association assesses the development of saunas favorably after the corona pandemic has been overcome: “Corona will certainly leave its mark on the sauna industry first of all. But there will probably not even be a permanent decline in interest in sauna bathing. Before the pandemic, 30.6 million people in Germany called themselves sauna-goers. The industry will not lose this great popularity, because the extensive effects of the shutdown have not allowed any alternative leisure options. However, when restarting, the industry must present convincing arguments for visiting the sauna. These can only be the health values ​​confirmed by medical science. “

The successor in the management is regulated: From January 2021 she will be taken over by Martin Niederstein, who has already worked in the association’s management consultancy for three years.

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