Saunaletter 1-2/2022

Apr 27, 2022

Dear ISA members and other saunalovers

The year has started  with many strange  happenings including still COVID – 19 and the restrictions based  on that and then the war in Ukraina.

Still the sauna events are postponed from the first half of the year or they are happening in the net.

It is worth noting that some of the Members have started quite en extensive webinar program and These events have been very interesting and good.

One can find those webinars that British Sauna Society has been organising at our website


For us the war has been subject for finding some option to help the people who have left their homes . We were thinking from the very beginning that sauna could help also here like it was helping the refugees in Japan during the Fukushima accident. And so we decided to start the SAUNA AID program. You can find out more from the Website or also from the Website of ISA.

There are Still option to donate money  etc. for the different lines of helping the Ukrainians. Until now we have been very happy about the cooperation of so many members either doing the actual work or donating money for the project.

We do keep You informed about the development .

We have to mention here especially the nice donations from our member Japan Sauna and Spa Association JSSA.

If You have any ideas what more we should do please contact us.

And especially if You think that You know a place where we could use our movable saunas , let us know whom we could contact.


We have About half a year to the opening of the Congress. The program starts to finalize and You can follow the updates via webpage .

You could also get a special Newsletter by ordering that via this webpage.

The tickeint for the Early Birds is starting soon . Also that is on the webpage.

We plan to send a special letter in May About the Congress and all the arrangements that have been done so far.

As it is mentioned on the webpage the main sponsor is KLAFS from Germany. Anyway if You happen to know some one who might be interested in Participating also as a sponsor please contact Rolf Pieper or me. There is a special page About sponsoring options on this

General Meeting and Board Meeting of ISA

The members have been receiving the first information About the General Meeting of ISA 18.06. in Copenhagen at the Hotel Indre by meeting-facilities. We organize also an option to participate via Internet and we have few members on the list now.

The Board is having also it´s meeting on that day Before the GM.

If You have anything You Would like to get discussed /decided in those meeting , please , send me an e-mail about that at the latest 13.05.

We try to send the final agenda around 15.05. to all the memebrs.


The competitions have started and the following weeks are very busy. The interest is even bigger and there are also some new countries interested to participate.

You can find more from the Aufguss – Website About the different happenings:

26.04.2022   Risto

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